Saturday, 26 June 2010

Fu** love, I'm getting a dog

Do you know that feeling, when you just had a very long, hard week and all you want to do on that friday night is to cuddle up next to somebody and watch a movie? Do you also know the feeling of anger that rushes through you when you realize you're spending another friday night alone at home?
I found the perfect solution: a dog!

I'm seriously contemplating the idea of getting a dog and forgetting about love!
If you think about it a dog has so many features we women want: he will need us, he'll always be there for us, we're never gonna be alone again and most importantly he'll never leave us or hurt us.
So should I forget about love and get a dog? Why do you think so many single people get pets, is it to avoid loneliness?

xoxo C.

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